By Dean Spina
From the U.S. Department of Labor posted the following Affordable Care Act "Myth Buster" in its September 12, 2013 newsletter (found here):
Myth: Employers who don't notify employees about the Affordable Care Act's new marketplace will be fined $100 per day.
Not true: Companies covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act should provide written notice to their employees about the health insurance marketplace by Oct. 1, 2013, but there is no fine or penalty under the law for failing to provide such a notice. The Department of Labor has posted two model notices to help companies comply — one for employers who do not offer a health plan and another for employers who offer a health plan to some or all employees. Employers may use these models or a modified version.
• Learn More About Notice Options • Get Additional Guidance • View the "With Plans" Model Notices • View the "Without Plans" Model Notices • Visit the Marketplace
Bradley & Riley's advice is to review the required content of a Notice, use a modified Notice that provides at least the minimum content, and issue a written Notice to ALL employees no later than October 1, 2013.
If you have any questions regarding this myth or the Affordable Care Act in general, please contact Dean Spina.
Categories: Health Law